The Alberta Awards for Excellence in Cancer Research recognize individuals who have made, and are making, valuable contributions to the cancer research ecosystem in Alberta. Recipients are leaders in their fields who exemplify excellence in science and outstanding service to the scientific community.
Alberta Lifetime Contribution in Cancer Research Award
The inaugural Alberta Lifetime Contribution in Alberta Cancer Research will be given to an esteemed investigator based at an Alberta institution whose contributions to cancer research extend beyond traditional research accomplishments and outputs. The recipient of this award will be an individual who has enhanced the Alberta cancer research landscape through their vision and leadership in the development of capacity, networks, collaborations, resources, infrastructure, or other contribution(s) (including advocacy work leading to policy change) that have/has significantly benefitted Albertans affected by cancer.
Alberta Biomedical Cancer Research Excellence Award
The Alberta Biomedical Cancer Research Excellence Award is given for outstanding achievements in basic/discovery biomedical and translational cancer research. The recipient of this award will be an investigator permanently residing in Alberta, Canada whose contributions have led to significant accomplishments in a body of work in basic/discovery biomedical and/or translational cancer research and who is, normally, still engaged in the conduct of cancer research.
Alberta Oncology Research Excellence Award
The Alberta Oncology Research Excellence Award is given for outstanding achievements in oncology research. For the purposes of this award, oncology research includes clinical (including clinical trials and intervention research), health services, epidemiological, behavioural, psychosocial, medical physics, population-based or similarly applied research aimed at reducing the burden of cancer. Oncology research does not include research in the basic/discovery biomedical and/or translational sciences.
The recipient of this award will be an investigator permanently residing in Alberta, Canada whose research contributions conducted in Alberta have led to significant advances in cancer control and who is, normally, still engaged in the conduct of cancer research.
Alberta Early Career Award in Biomedical Cancer Research
The Alberta Early Career Award in Biomedical Cancer Research is given to an early career investigator whose outstanding contributions to biomedical cancer research have the potential to lead or have already led to improved understanding of mechanisms of cancer development, cancer treatment and/or cures.
The recipient of this award will be an investigator permanently residing in Alberta who began their independent research career within the previous 10 years (after December 31, 2010). Taking into consideration any leaves, the start of the independent career will be defined as the date that the candidate was first appointed as an independent scientist or faculty member.
Alberta Early Career Award in Oncology Research
The Early Career Award in Oncology Research is given to an early career investigator whose outstanding contributions have the potential to lead to or have already led to important advances in cancer control. For the purposes of this award, cancer control is meant to include clinical (including clinical trials), health services, epidemiological, behavioural, psychosocial, medical physics, population-based or similarly applied research aimed at reducing the burden of cancer. Cancer control does not include research in the basic biomedical or translational sciences.
The recipient of this award will be an investigator permanently residing in Alberta who began their independent research career within the previous 10 years (after December 31, 2010). Taking into consideration any leaves, the start of the independent career will be defined as the date that the candidate was first appointed as an independent scientist or faculty member.
Alberta Cancer Research Accelerator Award
The Alberta Cancer Research Accelerator Award is given for outstanding contributions in the facilitation, translation, implementation, or promotion of cancer research in Alberta. This award is a recognition of the significant support provided by individuals with diverse experience and expertise to enable cancer research. Such enabling activities might include, but are not limited to, management and oversight of core research facilities, research administration, communications and/or engagement, cancer data science or being a clinical champion recognized for their abilities to facilitate cancer research in clinical settings and to move findings into practice.
The recipient of this award will be an employee of Alberta Health Services, the University of Calgary, the University of Alberta or the University of Lethbridge.