NAS Conference 2021 - 50 Years of Nautical Archaeology & the IJNA

  November 20, 2021 - November 21, 2021

This year, building on the success of last year's conference, the Nautical Archaeology Society has taken the opportunity to create a special online event, with a fabulous line up of 50 speakers celebrating 50 years of nautical archaeology and 50 years of the International Journal of Nautical Archaeology.  #ArchConf21 #50YearsIJNA

Using the Pheedloop Virtual Event Platform we are excited to host two days of interesting presentations, discussions, networking opportunities, exhibitions, fun stuff for the young, awards and the famous NAS raffle.  The full programme can be downloaded here

The 2021 event is being generously supported by Historic England, Taylor & Francis, DiveMaster Insurance, MSDS Marine and the Go Dive Scuba Store

Ticket Price

NAS Members and Registered Students - Weekend Ticket - £10.00

NAS Members and Registered Students - Day Tickets - £5.00

Non-NAS Members - Weekend Ticket - £40.00 (Note: It would be cheaper to join the NAS and then purchase a Members Ticket)

Non-NAS Members - Day Tickets - £30.00 (Note: It would be cheaper to join the NAS and then purchase a Members Ticket)

Childs Ticket (Under 16) - FREE - Must be accompanied by parent/guardian

Register here

Once you have registered you can access the conference virtual portal here with the email and password that was created during registation.

Sam Meacham

Nic Flemming

Colin Martin

Peter Marsden

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor