Call for Proposals

BCIT - PD Day 2022

May 10, 2022

BCIT Burnaby campus and virtually through Zoom

We are thrilled that you have decided to submit a proposal to become a presenter for PD Day 2022.  This day is designed to encourage a dynamic culture of learning, sharing, and engagement for all employees.  

This year’s theme is Powering Collaboration in The New World of Work and will focus on the following streams:

  1. Education - Leveraging collaborative approaches in how we teach and learn.
  2. Work - Improving work environments using collaborative strategies.
  3. Well-being - Enhancing personal and professional well-being through collaboration.

The Learning and Teaching Centre is available to assist with session and resource development for anyone who requires it (

All proposals received will be reviewed by the Program Committee and you will be notified whether your proposal is selected. Selection criteria include:

  1. How well your session adheres to the theme.
  2. How well your session adheres to one, or more, of the streams.
  3. How well your presentation models collaboration.
  4. How well your session engages participants in active learning.

You will have the opportunity to select your preferred presentation method either:

  1. Virtually through zoom or
  2. In-person at the Burnaby Campus. 

Thank you again for your submission.  It is your passion and knowledge that allows us to remain at to top of the list for BC's best post-secondary educational institutions and we are grateful that you are willing to share with your peers.  

The deadline for proposal submissions is March 18.

PD Day 2022 Program Committee
