Call for Proposals
Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop 2024 - Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario
October 6, 2024 - October 9, 2024
Crowne Plaza Kitchener-Waterloo Hotel, 105 King St E, Kitchener, ON N2G 2K8
Abstract submission is open for the 50th Annual Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop (CEW), which will be held in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario from October 6th to 9th, 2024. We are planning for an in-person meeting with an option for some virtual short courses. This year’s theme is “Celebrating 50 years of Ecotoxicity Research: Reflecting on the Past, Charting the Future”.
Abstract submission is open until June 14th, 2024.
Please visit our CEW website ( to find session descriptions, guidelines for writing abstracts and lots of other information to plan your trip to CEW in Kitchener-Waterloo this year!
To submit an abstract
Step 1: View the list of CEW 2024 session descriptions and select appropriate session for your poster or platform abstract submission(s).
Step 2: Review Abstract Submission Guidelines below and prepare your abstract.
Step 3: Click "Start Application" button below to submit your abstract using the Pheedloop online portal by the deadline of June 14, 2024.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- Use the abstract template to format your abstract for submission. You can refer to the abstract sample too.
- The deadline to submit an abstract is June 14th, 2024.
- Abstracts must be submitted online via Pheedloop.
- Abstracts may be submitted for in-person platform or in-person poster presentations.
- Please limit your abstract to 250 words.
- Presenting authors for any poster or platform must be registered participants (NOTE: Registration will open after abstract deadline in July).
- Abstracts will be removed from conference proceedings if: the abstract is not accepted, or the presenter does not register, or the presentation is pulled from the conference, or the presenter is a no-show.
- The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract and agree to its submission, before submitting the abstract.
- Submission of an abstract acknowledges your acceptance for the abstract to be published in the official conference proceedings.
Some tips and notes on the Pheedloop portal for abstract submissions:
We will be using Pheedloop to review and accept abstracts. In Pheedloop, you will be asked to fill in specific fields with your abstract information, but please note:
"Session title" = title of your abstract submission
"Session description" = description of your abstract
"Relevant track" = select desired session you think your abstract fits best in
In a separate step (Files tab), you will be asked to upload a formatted MS Word version. We will use the MS Word version to confirm that important formatting details are preserved, like special characters used in the spelling of names and places and scientific symbols. You can find an MS Word template and sample abstract on the CEW website.
Please also ensure you use the same email address to upload your abstract as you will for other Pheedloop functions, such as Registration when it opens.
Thank you for your interest and submission to the upcoming CEW scientific program!
Questions? Contact