Call for Proposals

Momentum 21

September 30, 2021

The CPHR Alberta Annual Conference is looking for you! We are seeking innovative and influential speakers to deliver original, unique, and thought-provoking content for CPHR Alberta's Annual Conference on September 30, 2021.

At CPHR Alberta, we are committed to providing our members with the best opportunity to expand their development by delivering a wide variety of industry topics presentd by accomplished and acrredited speakers. At our 2021 Conference, we want to connect Canada's HR community in a forward-thinking enviroment, providing attednees with the opportunity to continue the professional development growth.

Do you have knowledge, skills, and tools that will benefit HR professionals as they respond to the changing world of work?

We are looking for 60 minute concurrent sessions that are relevant to HR professionals who work in a wide variety of sectors at multiple levels. Our goal is to address current and emerging trends that align with our competency framework.

This conference will most likely be a virtual event. Please ensure that you are prepared to present virtually. We ask that you have experience in doing successful virtual presentations, strong internet connections, clean and organized professional backgrounds, good microphones, and proper lighting.  We use a steaming platform and integrate Zoom into it.

*A note concerning Honorarium - CPHR Alberta events and PD sessions are a platform for innovation in the field of Human Resources and Business Management. We look for contributors who are willing to share their expertise without expectation of payment. All conference speakers receive a complimentary full registration to the conference.