Association of California Symphony Orchestras Annual Conference Online

  August 3, 2020 - August 14, 2020


For fifty years, the greatest strength of the ACSO conference has been the connections you make while you are there. Whether it is through an impactful session, a peer forum, or an informal conversation in the hallway, no one walks away without having expanded their network of professional support.

This year, we played to those strengths online:

• We created even more opportunities for peer-to-peer networking.
• We facilitated one-on-one advice through expert consultations.
• We provided both creative ideas and practical tools through sessions designed to address the unique needs of orchestras and ensembles in our region.
• We sought to inspire with an opening keynote address by Dr. Laree Kiely, Chief Wisdom Officer of WeWill and longtime advisor to the Los Angeles Philharmonic, on organizational resilience and deepening our ability to improvise.

As a community, ACSO is at its strongest and most resilient when we lean on one another for counsel and camaraderie. Over 550 attendees joined to work together to find the strength and solutions we need to continue doing what we do best – bring extraordinary music to life.

Amanda Lester

Julia Bullock

Julia Ward

Susan Howlett

Major Sponsor

Supporting Sponsor

General Sponsor