“The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain
Laree Kiely was born on February 27th in Fort Collins, Colorado, the granddaughter of a train robber and a couple of very nice, childlike parents who hated school. Seeing education as a vehicle, she put herself through her undergrad at the University of Colorado as The Lady Barber. She slapped a magnetic sign on the side of her roommate’s VW and proceeded to cut hair and beards at male dorms and fraternities. This is where Laree’s hunger and love of entrepreneurship started.
While going to graduate school, Laree started the Kiely Group (and a rock and roll band called Timberline). Kiely Group’s focus was on helping people handle difficult situations with each other and mediating disputes.
Loving school and forever craving knowledge, Laree ended up with a masters in psychology and cognitive science with a focus on cognitive and perceptual disorders. Then, a PhD in social science and human behavior with a focus on how people interact with information and with each other.
The second most important day was November 9th, 2016, the day following the U.S. presidential election. Taking no sides and viewing this seismic shift in human affairs as a fascinated social scientist, Laree felt the world breaking into extreme factions. So, there it was: the clear path and reason for being here; the culmination of many years of working to bring disagreeing and disputing people together to find mutually agreeable solutions, healthy decisions that included everyone’s voice, and actionable plans. To reasonably and effectively interact with information and with each other. To view disagreement as something of value, not something harmful.
Clinging to her belief in the power of people coming together with the right tools, armed with the knowledge of what causes human-made problems and how to avoid or solve them, she adopted this quote:
The devil whispered in my ear “You’re not strong enough to withstand the storm. And I whispered in the Devil’s ear, “I am the storm!”
So, she went to work.
Every person, every organization will encounter a storm. The question is will they be at its mercy or will they be the storm?
We Will be the storm.
How about you?

Alan Mason

Alana Richardson

Alex Laing

Alice Sauro

Alicia Gonzalez

Amanda Lester

Amber Weber

Amy Williams

Anne Viricel

Aubrey Bergauer

Ben Kutner

Bob Swaney

Catherine Heitz New

Chad Smith

Chelsea Chambers

Connor Bogenreif
Dalanie Harris

Dean McVay

Elizabeth Quivey

Elizabeth Shribman

Francesco Lecce-Chong

Gail Eichenthal

Giuliano Kornberg

Jamei Haswell
Jenie Dahlmann

Jenny Darlington-Person

Jesse Rosen

Jessica Bejarano

John Acosta
John Wineglass

Jonathan Rios

Joseph Young

Julia Bullock

Julia Copeland

Julia Ward


Kathryn Martin

Katie Brown

Kayla-Jo Rosoff

Kevin Eberle-Noel

Kristin Sakoda

Lacey Huszcza

Laree Kiely

Lidiya Yankovskaya

Loribeth Gregory-Beck

Lynne Wester

Maureen Melville

Michael Vitale

Mieko Hatano

Nicola Reilly

Olivia Phillips

Pamela Pretlow

Richard Lonsdorf

Roberto Bedoya

Ryan Murray

Sam Mazzeo

Sarah Weber

Scott Harrison

Scott Vandrick

Sean Sutton

Sheri Frumkin

Steve Adelman

Susan Howlett

Tal Skloot
Tara Aesquivel

Tiffany Fajardo

Tom DeCaigny

Wendy Cilman