Giuliano Kornberg

Chief Development Officer, Sacramento Philharmonic & Opera


Giuliano Kornberg is the current Chief Development Officer for the Sacramento Philharmonic & Opera, where he works with the Board of Directors and Executive Staff to create and implement the fundraising plan and strategy for the organization. Giuliano helps oversee major donor cultivation and stewardship, coordinates direct mail, tele-funding, and online campaigns, works with corporate sponsors, foundations, government entities, and other organizations on funding collaborations and partnerships, plans special giving events such as Sacramento’s Big Day of Giving and Giving Tuesday, oversees the organization’s Planned Giving program, and ensures that fundraising metrics and the company's Raiser’s Edge database are up to date and accurate. Previously, Giuliano worked for the San Jose Chamber Orchestra, helping to implement a free community concert program; the San Francisco Opera, customizing their back-end database and artist contracting procedures; and Stanford University, carrying out various marketing, event planning, stage management, and audio/video recording roles with Stanford Live, the Stanford Music Department, and the Stanford Arts Institute.

Outside his professional life, Giuliano is a recent graduate of the League of American Orchestra's Emerging Leaders Program (2020) and an alum of both Sacramento’s Nehemiah Emerging Leaders Program (2018) and the League’s Essentials of Orchestra Management Program (2016). He is also on the Board of Directors of the Stanford Sacramento Alumni Association, Sacramento’s Council for Giving Philanthropic Group, and the First Tee of Greater Sacramento, and is on the Leadership Council of Sacramento’s preeminent young professional group, Metro Edge. Through his efforts, Giuliano will continue working hard to promote classical music and the arts in Sacramento.

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Connor Bogenreif

Dalanie Harris

Dean McVay

Elizabeth Quivey

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Francesco Lecce-Chong

Gail Eichenthal

Giuliano Kornberg

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