Call for Proposals
Together 2023 - Live From Banff
March 10, 2023 - March 12, 2023
Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity; 107 Tunnel Mountain Dr, Banff, AB T1L 1H5
Poster abstract submissions open October 7th. Please carefully review the instructions below; only abstracts that meet these requirements for formatting and submission will be considered. The submission deadline is November 7, 2022 at 16:00h ET.
Poster abstract guidelines for Together Conference 2023
Authors must specify the category that best suits their abstract. Abstracts will be judged according to the category specified by authors upon submission.
1. Original Research (includes Pharmaceutical/Basic Science, Clinical Research, Drug Use Evaluations, Systematic Reviews with or without Meta-Analysis, Pharmacoeconomics Analysis, etc.)
2. Pharmacy Practice (includes Administration Projects, Health Professional Education, Medication Safety Initiatives, etc.)
3. Case Reports
Abstract style rules
Abstracts that do not adhere to the following rules will be rejected.
Abstract Title
- Should be brief and clearly indicate the nature of the presentation
- Use title-style capitalization (i.e., capitalize only the first letter of each word of the title except for minor words, unless it is the first word of the title; do not capitalize prepositions)
- Do not use abbreviations
- Do not place a period at the end
- Do not write out numerals
- List the authors as “last name + initials” (e.g., “Lee K, Patel L, Smith J”) under the title, with superscript numbers linked to affiliation notes
- Institutional affiliation, city, and province should be listed under the list of authors with corresponding footnotes identifying author affiliation(s)
- When there is more than one superscript number for an author with multiple affiliations, the superscript numbers should be separated by commas only (no spaces)
- Put department/faculty first, then institution name
- Present affiliations with city and two-letter provincial abbreviations
- For affiliations outside of Canada, include name of country
- Omit degrees, titles, and appointments
- Please underline the name of the author who will present the poster if accepted
Body and headings
Organize the body of the abstract using the exact headings outlined below for the selected category. Use bold for paragraph headings, add a colon after paragraph headings, and capitalize the second word in a two-word heading, such as “Literature Review”. Please note that studies with multiple outcomes must be presented in the same poster. Do not report individual outcomes from the same study data in separate posters.
Original Research:
- Background: Briefly describe the rationale for the study
- Objective(s): Include the main study objective(s)
- Methods: Include study design, methods, intervention, and statistical analysis
- Results: Provide main results
- Conclusion(s): Include the main conclusion and interpretation of the results which are supported by the data provided
Case Reports:
- Background: Briefly describe the rationale for the case report
- Case Description: Provide details of the case. Enough details should be provided to clearly outline the case and support the assessment of causality
- Assessment of Causality: Case reports of suspected adverse drug reactions should report on causality using a causality assessment tool such as the Naranjo scale. If the case report does not involve an adverse drug reaction, the authors should still articulate the association between the therapy and the observed outcome
- Literature Review: Briefly examine current literature relating to or surrounding the case report
- Importance to Practitioners: Briefly describe implications/importance of the case report to pharmacy practitioners
Pharmacy Practice:
- Background: Briefly describe the background and rationale for service, program, problem, need, etc.
- Description: Describe the concept, service, role, or situation
- Action: Describe the steps taken to identify and resolve a problem(s), implement change, or develop and implement the new program
- Evaluation: Describe the evaluation process of the project and results of evaluation
- Implications: Describe the concept’s importance and usefulness to current and/or future practice
- Abstract body (not including title and authors) is limited to 300 words. This includes the required section headings as outlined above. Any abstract that exceeds the word count will be rejected.
- Each table is equivalent to 30 words.
- Each graphic is equivalent to 60 words.
- Results or evaluation must be included in the abstract. It is not acceptable to state that results will be discussed. Abstracts doing so will be rejected.
- Do not indent the start of a paragraph.
- Place abbreviations in parentheses after the full word or phrase upon first mention. Please keep abbreviated terms to a minimum.
- Use numerals to indicate numbers, except at the beginning of sentences.
- Use only generic names of drugs, material, devices, and equipment.
- Do not include citations, reference numbers, or reference lists.
- Authors must submit TWO copies of their abstract – one original copy (for inclusion in the conference program) and one blinded copy (for review purposes)
- Please ensure that the following steps are taken for the blinded copy:
- Author names, location, and affiliations are removed
- The abstract (including the title and body) should not contain any identifying information, such as the geographic location, authors, programs, or institutions of origin
- Abstracts MUST be submitted electronically as a file in MS Word format
- The two MS Word files must be named according to the following convention:
- Blinded copy: First three words of the title_Blinded
- Unblinded copy: First three words of the title_Submitter's last name_Unblinded
Only abstracts that meet these requirements for formatting and submission will be considered.
Submission deadline: The deadline for abstract submissions is November 7, 2022, at 16:00 ET