Colorado Building Farmers Virtual Short Course

  December 3, 2020 - February 4, 2021

The Colorado Building Farmers program (CBF) presents the Principles of Business Planning and Management short course though Colorado State University Extension. CBF builds farm community and business development skills through classroom and experiential learning for new and beginning farmers and livestock producers (0 – 10 years of experience). Over 8 weeks, participants explore how to build a farm business, plan for new markets, improve their recordkeeping and financial analysis skills, and manage risks in crop and livestock enterprises.

Since 2007, over 300 producers have completed the program, almost 200 developed business plans and 23 subsequently worked under the guidance of an experienced producer-mentor to implement their plans and advance their business goals.

Join us in 2020 as the Principles course goes virtual! CBF is integrating all the familiar face to face learning, farmers teaching farmers, small group discussions, core curriculum, and business plan presentations into an online format. To further increase your business network, we are recruiting input and resource providers to join us as virtual exhibitors.

The course is Thursday nights Dec 3 - Feb 4 (no classes Dec 24 or 31)

Learn more about Colorado Building Farmers at