EARTH WRITING: Anthropology, Philosophy and Speculative Fiction (1 of 2)
Organised by RG Circumpolar North & Siberia / Session 1: Opening, invited speakers, setting up the writing groups
09:00 AM - 10:30 AM
October 1, 2021
Invited Speakers: Edna Bonhomme (Berlin), Patrice Maniglier (Université Paris Nanterre), Elizabeth Povinelli (Columbia University New York)
Chairs: Eric Macedo (Museu Nacional Rio de Janeiro); Moritz Gansen (TU Darmstadt & Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin); Jeanne Etelain (NYU New York University); Andreas Womelsdorf (Mainz/Vienna),
In current debates around global warming, contaminations, and struggles for decolonization, both the Arctic and the Amazon feature as prominent zones of conflicts over lands and resources (cf. Campbell 2015; Stuhl 2016). These conflicts are oftentimes subtended by fundamentally antagonistic ontological claims (cf. Nadasdy 2003; Bessire 2014) – but what, then, are these struggles about? On a theoretical level, it would seem that the Earth of the Anthropocene is caught between the geological concept of a single planet (cf. Steffen et al. 2015) and the anthropological concept of a multitudinous Gaia (cf. Latour 2017). The two, however, come together in the phenomenological assumption that the Earth is ultimately One (Husserl 1940; Heidegger 1999): that it is the originary ground, bound up to the subject’s corporeal situation, unifying all her possible experiences and unifying ‘us’ as a species beyond our differences (cf. Ingold 2000; Latour 2018). But does this theoretical gesture not amount to declaring the Earth the last universal despite the many conflicts that concern the relationship to ‘It’? While contemporary anthropological and philosophical thinking has stressed the plurality of ontologies, it seems that we need to pluralize the very concept of Earth itself, without which we risk to erase eco-political inequalities and fractured histories (cf. de la Cadena 2015; Yusoff 2018). In this lab, we propose to allow anthropology and philosophy to meet on the ground of speculative fiction (SF), whose speculative epistemological scope links it with both disciplines (cf. Anderson et al. 2018). The participants will be invited to read an SF text on the pluralization of the Earth and write its ending in small groups, moderated by invitees from anthropology, philosophy and related disciplines (1st panel). The various imagined endings will then be shared in order to make different concepts of the Earth resonate, leading to a collective conversation beyond disciplinary boundaries (2nd panel).
Chairs: Eric Macedo (Museu Nacional Rio de Janeiro); Moritz Gansen (TU Darmstadt & Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin); Jeanne Etelain (NYU New York University); Andreas Womelsdorf (Mainz/Vienna),
In current debates around global warming, contaminations, and struggles for decolonization, both the Arctic and the Amazon feature as prominent zones of conflicts over lands and resources (cf. Campbell 2015; Stuhl 2016). These conflicts are oftentimes subtended by fundamentally antagonistic ontological claims (cf. Nadasdy 2003; Bessire 2014) – but what, then, are these struggles about? On a theoretical level, it would seem that the Earth of the Anthropocene is caught between the geological concept of a single planet (cf. Steffen et al. 2015) and the anthropological concept of a multitudinous Gaia (cf. Latour 2017). The two, however, come together in the phenomenological assumption that the Earth is ultimately One (Husserl 1940; Heidegger 1999): that it is the originary ground, bound up to the subject’s corporeal situation, unifying all her possible experiences and unifying ‘us’ as a species beyond our differences (cf. Ingold 2000; Latour 2018). But does this theoretical gesture not amount to declaring the Earth the last universal despite the many conflicts that concern the relationship to ‘It’? While contemporary anthropological and philosophical thinking has stressed the plurality of ontologies, it seems that we need to pluralize the very concept of Earth itself, without which we risk to erase eco-political inequalities and fractured histories (cf. de la Cadena 2015; Yusoff 2018). In this lab, we propose to allow anthropology and philosophy to meet on the ground of speculative fiction (SF), whose speculative epistemological scope links it with both disciplines (cf. Anderson et al. 2018). The participants will be invited to read an SF text on the pluralization of the Earth and write its ending in small groups, moderated by invitees from anthropology, philosophy and related disciplines (1st panel). The various imagined endings will then be shared in order to make different concepts of the Earth resonate, leading to a collective conversation beyond disciplinary boundaries (2nd panel).
Dates and Times in Europe/Berlin Time Zone

Beyond the Anthropocene: Rethinking Central Asia and Caucasus Studies through ‘New Materialism’

Zona: Post-industrial landscapes and possible futures (1 of 2)

Sensing Change and Changing Seismographies in the City: Workshop and Co-Lab on Urban Lifeworlds and Aesthetic Activism (1 of 2)

Recent Debates and Activities in the Anthropology of Religion

Challenging Collections: New Relationalities, Old Inequalities in the Anthropocene? (1 of 2)
Biochemical Afterlives: Industrial metabolisms and more-than-human health (1 of 2)

Utopian and Dystopian Futures of Water Worlds – Mediterranean Crises and the Making of Liminal Infrastructures

Ethnologische Bildungsarbeit und Angewandte Ethnologie im Anthropozän (1 of 2)

Presenting Online. Anthropological Approaches to Digital Curating (1 of 2)

Is there an anthropology of the Middle East?

Decolonize Collective Breathing: Intersectional Public Anthropology in the Racial Capitalocene (1 of 2)

Seismographien der Anthropologie – Debatten um Kolonialismus und Rassismus, Salvage Anthropology, Kulturgüterschutz und Dekolonisierung (1 of 2)

Atmospheres of Unruliness, Resistance and Desolation: Music Videos in the Anthropocene (1 of 2)

Entanglements in the more-than-human city: ethnographic challenges in the Anthropocene

Authoritarianism and Digitalization: Practices, Entanglements, Paradoxes

Zur Aufarbeitung des Kolonialismus im transatlantischen Raum

[Lesung/Reading & Diskussion] [deu/eng] Curare-Corona-Diaries 2020 oder/or: Zum seismografischen Potential ethnografischer Tagebücher / On the seismographic potential of ethnographic diaries
Cementing Change? Anthropological Perspectives on Concrete and House Transformations (1 of 2)

Anticipated futures and the good life in the context of new constellations in Oceania

Making Sense of a Pandemic: Religion and COVID-19 (1 of 2)

Transregional dimensions of forced migration: secondary movements, alternative routes and decision-making on the move within the Global South

Open up your Anthropological Research – Open Access individuell und kollaborativ umsetzen

Radicalization in the Anthropocene in Southeast Asia and Germany

Selling the Anthropocene

Indigene Akteure im Anthropozän

Regimes of (im)potentiality (1 of 2)

Politics and Poetics of the Pristine

Queer Intimacies: Configurations of Gender and Sexuality in the Digital Anthropocene

Seismic China - Environmental Shifts and Radical Reorientations in China-World Relationships (1 of 2)

The [anthro]metronom Lab – Bearing witness to Slow Violence’s Atmospheres (1 of 2)

Atmospheres of in/security and suspicion

Anthropocenic Realities, Relations, and Subjectivities: Negotiating Responsibility, Justice and Governance in Times of Climate Vigilance

Economy as Atmosphere (1 of 2)

Digitalität in der ethnografischen Praxis. Kommunikationsmedien, Forschungsdaten, Software (1 of 2)

Kulturelle Wertambivalenzen von alimentärem Abfall in Zeiten eines möglichen Anthropozäns

EARTH WRITING: Anthropology, Philosophy and Speculative Fiction (1 of 2)
In/visible effects of rhizomatous digitalization in economic margins and state administrations (1 of 2)

Wishful future-making in the Anthropocene: Anthropological perspectives on sustainable development, green growth and peace (1 of 2)

„Race, class, gender“: Achsen der Ungleichheit im Anthropozän

A Seismography of the Absurd: Punchlines as a Means of Mapping the Anthropocene

Oceanic Engineering: The taming and crafting of marine environments

Implications of the Anthropocene for research and museum practice / Implikationen des Anthropozäns für Forschung und Praxis an Museen

Activist Atmospheres – Bodies and Emotions in the Tremors of Protest

Theorizing Migration and the Political Economy of Provisioning

Navigating the Changing World: Generational Relations as Resource and Challenge in Times of Crises (1 of 2)
Scalar Contaminations – Mapping out the Consequences of "Europe"

Covid 19 and refugee migration: the emergence of threatening camp zones as phenomena of the Anthropocene

Towards a Concept of Justice for the Anthropocene (1 of 2)

Beyond the -cenes?

Ethnography among the Multispecies

Ist die Ethnologie reif für Open Access? Wege in die Transformation zu einer offeneren Wissenschaft

Records of Silence

Multiple Formen des Seins und alternative Welten im Zeitalter des Anthropozäns: Perspektiven aus den Amerikas (1 of 2)

Indigenous Futurisms: Counter-publics in the Slipstream

Towards a multimodal urban anthropology

Beyond Universities – Ethnolog*innen und Kulturwissenschaftler*innen an Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften

Decentering Universities: Methoden, Räume und Herausforderungen kollaborativer Forschungen / Collaborative Research: Methods, Spaces, Challenges (1 of 2)

Justice at Work

Not About the Anthropocene: A Political Ontology of Life Projects

Subsurface (im)potentialities: Groundwater aspirations in the agrarian Anthropocene

Incapacities of the Human: Faulty Anthropologies

Hopes and dreams: Youth activities in NGOs in post-conflict countries

Von Wohlstand, Abfall und Nahrung: Die Verschiebung der Grenzen des Essbaren.

Making time (matter) in Digital India: Nesting temporalities and the economy of aspiration

Care and mutualism within the Egyptian diaspora in Italy at the time of COVID-19

Solarenergie auf Pueblo Reservationen - Ein Beispiel aus New Mexico

Detecting ground motions during a global catastrophe: An analysis of East African music videos about COVID-19

Longing and exclusion in the comment section of Coke Studio Pakistan's 'Afreen, Afreen'

Narratives of Endangerment: Rural Landscapes, Climate Change, and Populism in Saxony

Something in the Air: Reasserting Humanity in a Polluted Neighbourhood

Where will the Containers go? Shipping Scenarios and Port Dystopia at the Strait of Gibraltar

“Why are you online that late?” Positionality and digital ethnography of a male for-male escorting platform

Concretizing dwell: housing aesthetics and materialities among middle classes in Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Disrupting the “giant plot” of Global China: Steps towards an infrastructural history of the China-Burma borderlands

Reefscaping and the Reconfiguration of Human-Coral-Relationships in the Maldives

After the house? Building belonging in a transnational Mexican community

Der Wert der Pommes: Migration und der falsche Ort im richtigen Leben

Beating the Pandemic? Positioning on the Corona Debate among Hooligans.

“Dream, start more, move fast”: Social entrepreneurship, sustainable development and imagined futures in Vietnam

Tuni, Tumpa, and music videos across Bengals

Ethische und interpersonelle Konsequenzen von Onlineforschung

Fire and Water: The Parallelism of China’s Domestic and Overseas Environmental Politics

"Atmospheres of Pressure” in Pipeline, Nairobi – Outlining a New Research Paradigm

On the politics of breathing (and) collective decolonisation in Tanzania

Joker Travelling from the Screen to the Street

Grammars of Justice in the Shipping Industry: Labour Standards and Technocratic Procedures during Onboard Inspections

The Bolsonaro government's response to the pandemic and the paradox of digitally-mediated authoritarian populism in Brazil

A future of abundance? Contesting the energy transition narrative in the Chiloé Archipelago, south of Chile

Under Duress: Violence and Its Temporality in West Papua

The Splendors and Miseries of an Academic Ghetto: The Anthropology of the Middle East and the Subverting of Theory

The limits and fragility of caring: Reframing documentation work in cultural heritage

Beyond politics: Civility, violence and "non-political" peace for Kashmir

Making a Future in Geopolitical Periphery: Negotiating Intergenerational Notions of a Good Life in Taiwan

Indigenizing Digital Futures: The Case of a Web-Based Environment for Remote First Nation Communities in Northwestern Ontario, Canada

Politics of the Punchline? Everyday Absurdity and the Ebola Outbreak in Eastern DR Congo

Living-on Together: Ageing with HIV and intergenerational care ethics in Indonesia

Vicarious Labor Power: Experience of Impotentiality to Actualize Value by Central Asian Traders in Russia

"The fear of Covid-19 is the beginning of wisdom" : Disposition of Religious Adherents during Covid-19 pandemic in Nigeria

The agri-food system in the Anthropocene A six-step recipe to connect global processes to our daily life

The Sketches: Sufi music in the Making of EcoActivism in Sindh Pakistan

Unlearning the academic habitus: Von der kollaborativen Forschung zum selbstorganisierten Communityprojekt

Micro house transformations in times of exit restrictions. Pandemic effects on spatialities of the home

Rural-urban divide, ideas of (in)justice, and the politics of resentment: reflections on an increasingly debated but infrequently studied phenomenon

reCLAIM: a curated web application

A bumpy Ride towards the Future: The Agency of Vehicles, Persons, and Institutions in Tonga

Home economics: On managing one’s clothes in times of fast fashion

Evidence-based policy, what works, and counterfactual worlds

Converging Crises amidst Atmospheric Fragility: Impact Investing and Kinship Calculations in Dakar, Senegal

Climate Change, environmental movements and transformations of rural space in Colombia
On the life cycle of farmsteads in Northern Togo

Ethics in Entangled Worlds

“Die Wanderer”. A Virtual Exhibition as a Teaching Project in the Midst of the Pandemic.
Assemblage of Formal and Informal, Human and Non-Human: Everyday negotiations in Transnational Surrogacy

Feeding the Mountains: Shifting Foodscapes in High Asia

Borders, Uncertainty & Agency in Post-Socialist Mongolia

What do Central Asian river bridges have in common with anthropological practice?

Recharging for tomorrow: Ambiguities of Norway’s green battery future

Nation-State to Global-Market. An Alternative to the Secularization Paradigm

Material Atmospherics of Finance

Arboreal Atmospheres: “Phantom Pains” and the Transformation of Tashkent’s Urban Natures

Tracking progress: Exploring the marketing of off-grid solar products through the lens of a software

‘Atmospheres of Insecurity’ and their Political and Social Historicity: Some examples from the bas quartiers of Antananarivo (Madagascar)

Intersektionale Diskriminierungen in lsbt* Kontexten – eine kollaborative Ethnographie

‘Akal eghshad, the land is spoiled’: on land, collectivity and regimes of (im)potentiality

Reallabor als Babel. Zum Umgang mit unterschiedlichen Logiken, Diskursräumen und Sprachen in der Stadtentwicklung

Indigenous knowledge at a Colombian university

In Search of the Rural in the Syrian Revolution: rethinking anthropological narratives of radical politics

On the deep surface I swim like a fish catching the mirrors of the stars – Performance

Microbes, Mosquitoes, and Multispecies Safety in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Vulnerabilität und Kontextabhängigkeit - Herausforderungen des Forschungsdatenmangements in der ethnografischen Forschung mit jungen Geflüchteten

A German protestant response to the Covid-19 Pandemic

Contested mobilities of humans and non-humans: The case of COVID-19 in urban India

Henri Bergson, comedy, and the meaning of life

Kolumbianische Friedensgemeinden in Zeiten von Konflikt, Postkonflikt und Pandemie – Alternative Weltentwürfe angesichts multipler Transformationen

Cleansed and formalised: political economy and the (atmospheric) afterlife of genocide in contemporary Turkey

Deep mapping the Mediterreanean

The impact of multidimensional refugee vulnerability on distancing as a protective measure against COVID-19: Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Turkey

Understanding Syrian Refugees' Motivations and Mobility into Jordan

Ermenautica Saperi in Rotta
Water spirits in Algeria

Ermenautica Saperi in Rotta

Learning from outside: grasping and representing multiplicities. The case of pedestrianized Times Square

Suspect citizenship and atmospheric resonance

Keeping the Bula Association alive? Generational dynamics and a UK-based Fijian migrant organisation in times of crisis

Authoritarianism, religious ultraconservatism and digital imaginaries in Peru

“Chinese Pacific?” We need a decolonial epistemology to see it coming.

On failing forward fastly: Entrepreneurial Futures in Sudan

Fluid zones of connection: hydro-scales, cartographic rule and place in north Cyprus

What will you do #WhenWesternSaharaBecomesFree

Ethical lives, health-seeking practices, and epi/pandemics

Marxist Muslims. An Activist Ethics of Social Justice, Equality, and Liberation

Reorientating Provenance: Identifying Te Arawa Māori works cross-institutionally as a decolonising approach to collections research

Multiple Epistemologies/Ontologies in Law: Good Living (Vivir Bien) through the Law?

Beyond Breathability as Metaphor: Doing public anthropology in the neoliberal university

Das Eagle Spirit Energy Project: eine Antwort der kanadischen First Nations auf den Bau von Pipelines von Alberta an die Pazifikküste

Religious Practice and Cultures of Democracy: Views from Latin America

Earth System / World Order: Sovereignty and Economy in Planetary Geopolitics

Marine Conservation in Vanuatu: Local Ideas and Practices connected to ‘Sustainability’ and ‘Resilience’

„Auf vorgerücktem Posten auf Deutschlands fernster Kolonie“: Neue Erkenntnisse zur Sammlerin, Ethnographin und Kolonialpropagandistin Antonie Brandeis

The flip side of debt: mortgaged housing as assets in Zagreb

Ignorierte Seismographien? Wissensproduktion ethnographischer Ausstellungen der ehemaligen DDR

Carved gourds: fragments of Andean auto-ethnographic aesthetic discourses in the Mantaro Valley of Peru

Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen aus der Ethnologie an Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften – Herausforderungen, Potentiale und Perspektiven

Koordination eines Landesprogramms mit dem Fokus auf BNE und Schule aus ethnologischer Perspektive

Doing Provenienzforschung: Wissenschaftler*innen & Institutionen im Spannungsfeld gesellschaftlicher Diskurse

“Nothing grows here, there’s only the smell of death.” Contaminated landscapes and toxic soil in activist representations of the Rif war, Morocco

The Moral Ecology of Komodo: Interspecies modes of freedom and mutual aid as prefigurative political ecology

Transparenz erzeugen in einer "hybriden" Redaktionsethnografie: ein Erfahrungsbericht.

Graphic Ethnography and Experiments in Urban Anthropology

From radio bursts to respirators: How mega-science in South Africa expands its lung capacity

Not Just a Gay-Date App. Meanings and Appropriations of Grindr Among Argentinean Gay Men

Rupture and erasure: Ethnographic absence and new constellations in Oceania

Unpacking Secondary Movements: Secondary migration and non-repatriation practices among Pakistanis refused the right to stay in Germany

Vocear ríos –Navegar otros posibles mundos relacionales desde la cuenca del Atrato–

Images of disasters: Slow violence and the challenge of representing it

Satire Without Punchlines: Covid and the Meme

Emerging Resistance Patterns in New Caledonia and Fiji: how individuals can reject or re- signify Western narratives

Data, Post-Extraction, and Energy Cultures on Ireland’s Peat Bogs

Confronting Power Asymmetry in Knowledge Production: Lessons from Intercultural Collaborative Research

National Vision: How Management Consultants Write African Futures

Justice for Indigenous People in the 21st century? Contemporary political developments in Mexico

Ethnologie und Wirtschaftsinformatik: Sozio-technische Systeme als gemeinsames Feld?

Living with Scents: Fragrant Synthetic Substances, Fragrant Desires and Toxic Anxieties

Das Paradoxon der Ethnologie im Kontext von Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaft (HAW) am Beispiel von Community Health

Trust and truth(s)

Resisting Transnational Repression: The Digital Security Practices of Exiled Activists from Authoritarian Contexts

Ethnolog*innen an Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften (HAW) – Einsatzbereiche in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Computeranwendungen in der Ethnologie – Für eine Diskussion der möglichen Konsequenzen nicht sichtbarer Abläufe

Bodies as sensors, bodies as sensing: Exploring enactments of biochemical exposure in a biomonitoring study and in daily lives

Tinkering immunity: healthcare at the interface of antibiotics and resistant microbial lifetimes

Somatic Nationalism In COVID Times: Infodemic And New Forms Of Online Religious Boundary Making In India

Queering Identities and Relationships: Dating-Apps, Courtship and Mobilized Intimacies

Beyond Dublin. Secondary Movements to Niger and the Negotiation of Protection and Assistance

Shared Soundscapes: Everyday archiving and its potential for the democratization of collections

‘Extreme uncertainty’ and clashing social onthologies – Crises and social segregation in Jakarta
The Marketization of Infectious Disease and Global Catastrophe

A Field of Silences

On the Possibility of an Emancipatory Liberalism—Reflections On Hegemonic Liberalism, Subversive Political Theory, and Postliberal Futures

The recorder as seismograph: The "Eck" or no silence?!

Zwischen Benennung und Reproduktion von Gewalt – Sprache als ambivalentes Instrument in der ethnologischen Forschung

The murk of knowing and unknowing – Understanding resentment toward public health emergency interventions in the case of large-scale epidemics

Ethnologische Bildung als kulturelle Bildung - Anschlussmöglichkeiten für die Ethnologie in einem vielseitigen Bildungsfeld

Hermann von Iherings (1850-1930) Anthropologie der "indigenen Rassen"

Seeing companies like a company: the statistical production of complex corporate structures in Germany

Going online or going nowhere? The digital future of film festivals.

Digitisation against climate change – Necessities and potential of energy transitions as digital transitions of the energy sector

Mining capitalism and its future-makers (ethnographic notes from New Caledonia)

Toxic conservation in postcolonial museum collections

In the shadow of fair trade?

Blackness as Infrastructure: Afro-Futures, Breathlessness, and Improvisation in Addis Ababa

Ethnologische Expertise im Asylverfahren in Deutschland
Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and plural ontologies of the body

Activism, religion, and aesthetics assemblages in Krakow

Legal loopholes and institutional solutions to overcome inequality alongside the açaí value chain.


Writing on kingdom walls. An ethnography of visual aesthetics and textual conversations

A common color. Colors, commons and collective memory

How Energy is Communicated: Narratives of Energy Transitions and Inertias in one African Digital World

How material conditions shape the project of European anthropology.

Inhabiting the Anthropocene: Biophilic dwelling in a toxic townscape

Apprehension: figuring suspicion in everyday life

Studying the Middle East beyond exceptionalism – but where to?

New Tropicalities: Plant - Human Soundscapes

Ruined landscape beneath surface – agro-industrial water extraction in Morocco

“Life is peaceful there”: the many unforeseen afterlives of former Soviet army barracks around Berlin, Germany

Litigating for Gutpela Sindaun: Ethical Factional Competition around a Prospective Copper-Gold Mine in Papua New Guinea

Rewilding post-war landscapes of northeast Germany: more-than-human archives and animal geographies

Is there an Anthropology of the Middle East – And Does it Matter?

Endemic toxicities and the residues of extraction

Zwischen Anerkennung, Nutzbarmachung und Paternalismus: Die ethnomedizinischen Forschungen von Lotte Schomerus-Gernböck in Madagaskar ab den 1960er Jahren

What has the perception of “gestalt“ to do with religion?

Remixing Bodies in Pornographic Deepfake Online Communities


The Freedom of Prisoners. Of ‘Hate Speech’ and ‘Free Speech’ in Myanmar’s Digital Rights Activism

Magnetic Power of Strangeness: Coal mines, War Victims, and Waste Dumps

Polyphonic voices and transnational relations in the history of China’s forestry training system

The Museum of Data

Transcultural Reciprocal Teaching-Learning Collaborations: Offline and Online Zones

Diese Allüren mit den Parüren, … oder: Warum es in der Küche kein Food Waste gibt, wenn wir Escoffier mit Haraway lesen.

Equal Partners despite unequal structural conditions? Collaborative Research in an EU funded Horizon 2020 project

Indigener Tourismus. Neue Perspektiven für nachhaltigen Tourismus im Anthropozän

Shaping the Future with Wood. Ethnographic Perspectives on the Constitution of Bioeconomy in Baden-Württemberg

Humouring the Norm

Moving the Indonesian capital: Environmental impact and effects on livelihoods and future-making practices of East Kalimantan’s Dayak

Riot Kinning

“Kawsak Sacha, ser vivo y consciente, sujeto de derechos”: Una Perspectiva del Ser Amazónico.

Negotiating Towards (a More) Sustainable Education – ʻĀina-Based Education in Hawai’i

Doing urban anthropology with a dog. Reflections upon ethnography and knowledge production in context of a more-than-human research entanglement.

Ugly Beauty and Grey Zones – How pristine worlds trap subatomic realms and anthropological arguments alike

For a Sustainable Tomorrow. The Museum as Archive for the Future

Algorithmic in/visibility: Managerial and courier uncertainty in a Berlin food-delivery app

Uneven flows: Entangled ethics of groundwater pumping in the Indian Sundarbans

Kollaborative Autoethnographie im Rahmen des Monitorings von Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE)
Asylum seekers self-organising in response to Covid 19 in Moria and Mavrovouni Camp

Molecular economies: urban cattle in the postcolonial city

Dreams of peace and prosperity - Peacebuilding in a former Khmer Rouge village in Cambodia

Zwischen Systemkonkurrenz und Befreiungsdogma. Überlegungen zum Stellenwert von Ethnologie in der DDR

Grenzen normativer Zweigeschlechterordnung provinzialisieren – trans* Erzählungen über An_er_kennung, Zugehörigkeit und (Dis)Identifikation

Challenging the Jacobsen Collection. Bilateral engagement with partners from the Pacific Northwest Coast and the impact of a changing environment

Prolegomena to an Anthropology of Justice

The future-making of electronic waste in Bolivia

Unravelling the invisible: Planetary Care and Feminist Political Ecology (FPE)

A Politics of World-Building Amid a Regime-Made Disaster in Duterte's Philippines

Re-imagining river restoration: Temporalities, landscapes and values of the Emscher set in a post-mining environment

Feeling Through Things: Ethnographic Explorations of Affect and Colonialism with Maasai Objects

Be(e)ing entangled: beyond Western narratives on China’s domesticated honeybee loss

Containment Geographies: Controlling Contagions and Foreigners

Teacher-mothers and mother-teachers: distance, tensions and possibilities in young refugees’ changing family support networks

On unstable ground? Intergenerational relations, the building of community and emerging in/securities in Zapotec Los Angeles

Division and Opportunity: Land Ownership and the Future on the South Korean Border
Fiscal Flight: Taxation, Investment and Citizenship in Austria

Klimaschutz und Ressourcennutzung: Ein indigenes CO2-Einsparungsprojekt an Kanadas Pazifikküste
“There are no winds”: Listening through houses (or not) in northern Laos
Of us and them: migrant-citizen-residents and non-migrant-citizen-residentsin post-Partition Calcutta

Of fledgling raspberries and failing public health: Translating the Anthropocene in Europe’s semi-periphery

Faith as an exception. Greek Orthodox experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic

Once and future risk: The afterlives of medication in psychiatric crisis

Spectacular compassion: Buddhist life release and human-environment relations in and beyond China

Mobility Disjunctures: Producing Imaginaries of Pristine Pasts in Guatemalan Conservation and Containment

Forschung goes Praxis: Von Wissensproduktion in digitalen Räumen

Toxic legacies of war …and how to care for them?

Suspicion and/as Evidence

Activism and affect. ‘Activist lawyers’ in British asylum cases

REDD Indigena Amazónico – antihegemoniale Transformation aus Madre de Dios, Peru

Pandemic affects: COVID-19, (inter)religious practice, and aspirations for a new (urban) ecology

Zur Entwicklung von Weiterbildungsmodulen für Fachkräfte der Erziehung und Sozialen Arbeit

Analytische und kollaborative Autoethnographie im Rahmen des Monitorings von Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE)

Die Digitalisierung von Sprachaufnahmen indigener Stimmen Mesoamerikas – Möglichkeiten und Probleme gemeinsamer Bearbeitung und Nutzung immateriellen

Breathing under Blockade

Edgework: The role of sand in engineering the coast

Purifying intertwined selves: Mindfulness and Anthropocene politics

‘Building with Nature’: Technological Engagements with the Dutch Maritime Environment

The ontology and materiality of houses in rural Andean Bolivia

From aspirational compromise to suburban bliss: feeling otherwise in a Mozambican suburb

Fishy aliens in the Med Sea - The afterlife of Suez Canal from a more-than-human perspective

Digital entrepreneurship and social change: an anthropological approach to the influence of digital technology on the resilience and creativity of you

Daten im strikten Sinne des Wortes: Die Archivierung und Nachnutzung (auto-)ethnografischen Forschungsmaterials am Beispiel der Curare Corona-Tagebüch

Where the Wild Flowers Grow: The Suez Canal, Botanical Seafarers and the waters of the Mediterranean.

Towards Democratising the Production of Knowledge: Collaboratively Researching Sensitive Collections from Namibia

Wishful future-making in the Anthropocene: Anthropological perspectives on sustainable development, green growth and peace (2 of 2)

An Uncanny Hiatus: Who is Goddess Māriyam'maṉ During a World Pandemic?

Decentering Universities: Collaborative Research - Methods, Spaces, Challenges (2 of 2)
In/visible effects of rhizomatous digitalization in economic margins and state administrations (2 of 2)

Ethnologische Bildungsarbeit und Angewandte Ethnologie im Anthropozän (2 of 2)
Debating David Graeber’s legacy for economic anthropology

Challenging Collections: New Relationalities, Old Inequalities in the Anthropocene? (2 of 2)
Cementing Change? Anthropological Perspectives on Concrete and House Transformations (2 of 2)

Economy as Atmosphere (2 of 2)

Towards a Concept of Justice for the Anthropocene (2 of 2)

Zona: Post-industrial landscapes and possible futures (2 of 2)

Seismographien der Anthropologie – Debatten um Kolonialismus und Rassismus, Salvage Anthropology, Kulturgüterschutz und Dekolonisierung (2 of 2)

Presenting Online. Anthropological Approaches to Digital Curating (2 of 2)

Making Sense of a Pandemic: Religion and COVID-19 (2 of 2)

Navigating the Changing World: Generational Relations as Resource and Challenge in Times of Crises (2 of 2)
Biochemical Afterlives: Industrial metabolisms and more-than-human health (2 of 2)

Digitalität in der ethnografischen Praxis. Kommunikationsmedien, Forschungsdaten, Software (2 of 2)

Multiple Formen des Seins und alternative Welten im Zeitalter des Anthropozäns: Perspektiven aus den Amerikas (2 of 2)

The [anthro]metronom Lab – Bearing witness to Slow Violence’s Atmospheres (2 of 2)

Decolonize Collective Breathing: Intersectional Public Anthropology in the Racial Capitalocene (2 of 2)

Atmospheres of Unruliness, Resistance and Desolation: Music Videos in the Anthropocene (2 of 2)

EARTH WRITING: Anthropology, Philosophy and Speculative Fiction (2 of 2)

Regimes of (im)potentiality (2 of 2)

Seismic China - Environmental Shifts and Radical Reorientations in China-World Relationships (2 of 2)

Stadtrundgänge als Ethnologische Bildung

Call Me Back

When a River Becomes a Border

The Healer and the Psychiatrist

The Body Won’t Close

Sleeping Objects

Scenes from a Transient Home

Ruben, a peasant´s death


Phosphorus Dream

Palimpsest of the Africa Museum

Let Them Speak. Comments from British Columbia, Canada

Journey to the Makonde



Border South

Beewildered Companions

Making ends meet: Comparing 'ordinary' provisioning processes in European cities

Arho – The Afar Salt Trade of Northeastern Ethiopia

More-Than-Human Worldmaking (1 of 2)

Zones and Movements

Seismographies: Experiments in Visual Anthropology (1 of 2)

Zones of Extractivism

Crafting Postcolonial Relations

Postcolonial Debates on Museums and Objects

Das Porträt des Kissilerobo: Vom öffentlichen Umgang mit „Rassen“-Ikonen

More-Than-Human Worldmaking (2 of 2)

Covid-19, and the uncertainty between camps and urban areas: narratives from Refugee victims inside and outside the camps, Kenya

Seismographies: Experiments in Visual Anthropology (2 of 2)

Worlding / Welten. Anthropology and more-than-human worldmaking

Anthropology in the Anthropocene

The seismographic qualities of ethnography in times of crisis

Transatlantic Aphasia – Wie dem transatlantischen Handel mit versklavten Menschen in Nigeria (nicht) gedacht wird

Zones of Extractivism: capitalism, territorial fragmentation and the normalization of (soft) authoritarian rule

Transnationale Verflechtungen: Postkoloniale Familiengeschichten zwischen Togo und Deutschland

Vermittlung kollaborativer Forschungspraxis in der Lehre zwischen Anspruch und Realität

On Anthropocene Anthropology. Conceptual Issues and Disciplinary Options

Critical Zones, Critical Times

The Anthropocene as practice

Keynote: Updating Late Industrial Ethnography

Sociologus: Lunch with the editors

Weather in the Time of Occupation

ZfE│JSCA: Meet the editors

How can we study „Europe“ without reproducing hegemonic epistemologies?

Hierarchies of Europeanness: Eastern Europe in Private, Political and Anthropological Discourses

Welcome to Bremen

AG Migration: informelles Netzwerken

Catering for asylum. Refugees labelling and the everyday politics of provisions in Italy.

On David Graeber’s Work: Potentialities for a Radical Leftist Anthropology

Monsun & Zomia

Let's talk about the #WissZeitVG. #IchbinHanna #IchbinReyhan

Economic Anthropology Meet-up

Austausch über aktuelle Projekte zu Nordamerika

Mediterranean Futures

Earth Matters at the National Museum of African Art

The Afterlives of Gold Artefacts from Southeast Asia

Apéro mit der RG China

Keynote: Scales

Book Launch: "Delta Worlds", or: anthropological insights into river deltas, not only for anthropologists

Ethnologie und Bildung

Buchpräsentation: Völkerkunde zur NS-Zeit aus Wien (1938–1945)

The Anthropocene and the Postcolonial

The Museum as a Seismograph of the Anthropocene

Buchpräsentation: Digitalisierung ethnologischer Sammlungen


Come and try out the Pheedloop system!

AG Gender & Sexualities | Queer Anthropology

AG Psychological Anthropology

AG Umweltethnologie

AG Ethnologische Bildung (Ethnologie & Bildung)

AG Wirtschaftsethnologie

AG Museum

AG Stadtethnologie

Podium PostColonial: “un-documented: Unlearning Imperial Plunder” (2019, Ariella Aïsha Azoulay)

GAA meets Goethe: Wie viel Ethnologie geht in die Kulturpolitik?

AG Public Anthropology

AG Migration

AG Kogntive & Linguistische Anthropologie

AG Medien(ethnologie)

AG Visuelle Anthropologie

AG Medical Anthropology

AG Ethik

AG Fachgeschichte

AG Kulinarische Ethnologie

AG Familie im Feld

AG Politik und Recht

RG Indigenes Nordamerika

RG Afrika

RG Zentralasien und Kaukasus

RG Ozeanien

RG China

RG Zirkumpolargebiete/Sibirien

RG Naher Osten und Nordafrika

RG Mittelmeerraum

RG Südostasien

RG Südamerika

Conference party

RG Mesoamerika

Invisible killing: Ethical considerations from fieldwork in biosecurity

RG Europa

RG Südasien
