Call for Proposals

7th International Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference

April 15, 2024 - April 19, 2024

Boise, Idaho/Tralee, Ireland/Canberra, Australia

Call for Presentations - Boise, Idaho Location

7th International Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference offers a forum where past Fire Management experience and lessons learned are documented, current work showcased, and emerging research, innovation and techniques on fire management shared, towards developing integrated solutions to these challenges.

This conference on three continents provides an opportunity to showcase how different countries can implement newly developed fire management policies and frameworks at national, regional and local levels to address fire risks and build resilience.  The Conference will unite policy makers, scientists, fire managers and Indigenous land stewards for a shared purpose and a different future living with fire. 

If your work fits within the Fire Behavior and Fuels category, for example but not limited to the following topic areas, please consider submitting an abstract. For a more detailed list, visit the conference webpage. 

  • Technologies and Approaches
  • Fire Effects
  • Weather and Climate
  • Fuels and Fire Behavior
  • Operations and Management
  • Cultural Perspectives
  • Human Dimensions

The 7th Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference is scheduled for April 15-19, 2024 in Boise, Idaho. The conference will be held simultaneously in Canberra, Australia and Tralee, Ireland. Each location will have the opportunity to submit your presentation. All abstracts are required to be submitted via this IAWF Online Submission System. 

The deadline to submit has been extended to October 31

We will produce a conference proceedings, all presenters are strongly encouraged to submit an extended abstract, more information will be provided.  We are also exploring the possibility of organizing a special issue of IJWF, more information will be provided soon. 

For more information on the Canberra conference and details on how to submit a presentation use this link.

For more information on the Tralee conference and details on how to submit a presentation use this link.

Presentation Types

  • Oral Presentation - 15-minute presentation (12 minutes with 3 minutes for Q&A and transition.)  These presentations will be grouped with presentations of similar topics by the organizers.
  • Poster Presentation - Will be presented during a designated session, as well as made available throughout the entire conference. In addition, presenters will have an opportunity to do a short verbal (less than 1 minute) introduction to their poster. 
  • Lightning Talk - 5-minute presentation. These presentations will be grouped with presentations of similar topics by the organizers.

 Information needed to submit proposals

  • Presentation Title
  • Presenter Information (name, title, affiliation, phone, email)
  • Type of Presentation
    • Oral Presentation
    • Lightning Talk
    • Poster Presentation
  • Abstract: 400 words or less, please use as much non-technical language as possible, and describe the areas that will be specifically addressed in the presentation
  • Additional Presenters/Authors: Name, title, affiliation, email
  • Student Presenter: Yes or No
  • Presenter Bio (100 words or less)
  • Are you interested in submitting to a special issue or an extended abstract to the proceedings?
  • Are you interested in leading a special issue as a guest editor?


  • Open August 15 – October 31
  • Review of proposals - October 15  - November 15
  • Authors notified  November 15
  • Program Schedule Finalized - December 1 

Questions? Contact Mikel Robinson, IAWF 406-625-7059 or