Green Industry Show & Conference 2020
November 18, 2020 - November 20, 2020
Our first ever GISC Virtual conference was a great success! With amazing speakers offering top rated educational content, attendance was excellent and feedback was very positive for this new and unique avenue of delivering our premier event!
We are now gearing up for our 2021 Conference. The format is still dependent on the global pandemic situation, but please watch this space for updates and SAVE THE DATES!
Green Industry Show & Conference 2021
November 18-19, 2021
Keynote Speaker

Judy Croon

Katie Dubow

Danny Kerr
Session Speaker

Rose Buitenhuis

Pierre-Marc de Champlain

Ken Fry

Danielle Grant

Grant Harrison

Jacki Hart

Monica Hemingway
Chris Major

Darby McGrath

Jason Pick

Christie Pollack
Andrew Renaux

Casey Reynolds

Scott Rusch

Kate Seaver

Nadine Stielow

Tannas Webb

Kim Wickwire
Panel Speaker

Gord Koch

Bruce Kay
Kathryn Hutchison

Mohyuddin Mirza

Paul Atkinson