Call for Proposals

Indoor Air 2024

July 7, 2024 - July 11, 2024

1801 Kalākaua Ave, Honolulu, HI 96815, United States

Participant-led session submission happens here! Follow the link below.

Participant-led sessions from the ISIAQ community are a critical part of the technical program.  

These participant-led sessions run parallel to general conference podium sessions. They can be in various formats:
1) a symposium, which is intended to be a targeted group of seven 12 minute talks organized around a central theme or scientific question;
2) a workshop, which could be an event that actively engages attendees in a structured yet open discussion; or
3) design a creative new format that will effectively benefit the indoor air community through the open exchange of knowledge! We are especially interested in session proposals that support the conference theme and topical areas (

Participant-led session proposals are due by October 16, 2023. By mid-November, the conference leadership team will post the special sessions that are open for contributed papers on the conference website, so that authors can submit Extended Abstracts or Full Papers to these sessions.  There is no initial (short) abstract submission stage for INDOOR AIR 2024, and there is one common deadline for the submission of Extended Abstracts and Full Papers: December 1, 2023.

We are pleased to announce that the call for symposia, workshops, extended abstracts, and papers is open for INDOOR AIR 2024 (, the 18th edition of the flagship conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ). The conference will be held in beautiful Honolulu, Hawaii on July 7-11, 2024, at the Hawaii Convention Center. The conference theme is “Sustaining the Indoor Air Revolution: Raise Your Impact.” The conference program will feature distinguished plenary speakers, podium and poster presentations of papers published in conference proceedings, participant-led workshops and symposia, social activities to foster networking and community, and the widely-anticipated ISIAQ summer school for students and postdocs.

Can’t wait for the conference? Engage now through our Indoor Air Conference Countdown Challenge! Submit an image to have your research highlighted and/or compete now to win an action waterproof camera: 

We look forward to your participation at INDOOR AIR 2024!

***This is the form to propose participant-led sessions.  If you're looking for extended abstract/paper submission, you need to use the other link.***