Call for Proposals

IASFM20: Forced Displacement in an Urbanizing World

January 21, 2025 - January 23, 2025

Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The IASFM20 Program Committee invites researchers, individuals with lived experiences related to (forced) migration, policy makers, and practitioners working with (forced) migrants to submit (a) proposals for organized panels; (b) individual papers for oral presentations; (c) abstracts for poster presentation, and (d) proposals for creative works presentation (a multimodal combination of a paper abstract with performative, visual, poetic, or interactive presentation such as short film, audio, song/music, poem/prose/short stories, photo series, or theatrical performance).

While we will accept Individual Papers, we will prioritize Organized Panel presentations over Individual Paper submissions. Organized Panel proposals must adhere to the theme of the conference. It is recommended that each panel should consist of at least one panel coordinator and two to three panelists. Prospective panel coordinators must compile all member abstracts and include them in their panel proposal. All presenters and panel coordinators for accepted panels should register for the conference individually.

Submission instructions

: The abstract submission form will require a short summary of your proposal as well as a place where you can upload your full proposal in Word or PDF format, along with any other supporting documentation (slides, papers, handouts, etc.) you feel necessary. If you're submitting a panel or a session with multiple presenters, please make sure you list them along with a description of their presentation in your document.

(a) Panel proposal:
Please submit an abstract (500 words or less) for each presenter, along with an overall abstract (500 words or less) for the panel that describes the panel theme and its importance. Abstracts for each presenter should have information about background and purpose, methods, results, and conclusion and implications. Preference will be given to panels that demonstrate cohesiveness across presentations. Panels will be accepted or rejected together, i.e., abstracts will not be accepted independently.

(b) Oral paper presentation:
Please submit an abstract (500 words or less) explaining background and purpose, methods, results, and conclusion and implications.

(c) Poster presentation:
Please submit an abstract (500 words or less) explaining background and purpose, methods, results, and conclusion and implications.

(d) Proposals for creative works presentation:
Please submit a long abstract (800 words or less) explaining background and purpose, type of creative work, significance and innovation, and conclusion and implications.

The official language of the IASFM is English. All papers and panel discussions must be conducted in English.