2021 North Carolina Conference on Landscape Architecture
May 19, 2021 - May 20, 2021
Despite the challenges we have all faced, the COVID-19 pandemic has provided new opportunities for Landscape Architects to play key roles in developing solutions. It has also placed a much higher importance and recognition of the value of our public spaces, as well as the need for innovative approaches to how we work and engage with our communities.
Join us for our virtual conference to learn about coastal resiliency, climate change, public heath challenges, environmental justice, and social and economic resiliency for our local communities.

Rachel Cotter, PLA, Keynote Speaker

Nette Compton, Keynote Speaker

Kofi Boone, FASLA

Amin Davis, PWS, PWD

Christy Perrin

Lindsey Naylor, ASLA

Robin Moore

Meredith Gruber

Denise Dickens

Andy Fox, PLA, FASLA

Andy Fox

Paul Kuhn

Sarah Alexander

Simon Beer, PLA, ASLA

Hunter Freeman

Lauren Kolodij

Sara Burroughs

Kelleann Foster

David E. Goldberg, ASLA

Rachel Stark

Erin Oliverio, ISA-certified arbori

Hilary Stevens, CFM

Elsa Schwartz

Emily Condon, ASLA

Britt Storck, ASLA, PLA, CPD

Matt Hayes, AICP