2022 North Carolina Conference on Landscape Architecture

  May 19, 2022 - May 21, 2022

  Hotel Ballast, Wilmington, NC

The City of Wilmington embraces its location at the confluence of the Cape Fear River and the Atlantic Ocean. The profession of landscape architecture similarly thrives with the confluence of art and science, development and nature, history and innovation, people and place. However, landscape architects cannot succeed in solitude. Collaboration and participation are imperative.

At this conference, you’ll examine the idea of confluence, including topics related to differing factors that join to create innovative and diverse solutions. You’ll also learn about projects and processes that promote collaboration, environmental justice, and social and economic resiliency for our local communities.

The opening Keynote "10 Critical Elements that Will Make Tomorrow’s Communities" will be given by Mitchell Silver, FAICP, Hon. ASLA.

NCBLA & LACES Approved

Eric Davis, PLA, ASLA, LEED AP

Jim Cooper, PLA, ASLA, PWS

Joshua Robinson, PE

Mitchell Silver, FAICP, Hon. ASLA, Keyn

Rachel Cotter, PLA

Shykeem Lloyd

Steve Rasmussen Cancian

Overall Annual Conference Sponsor