Welcome to the registration page for the SMRA 2021 VIRTUAL Meeting held from September 10th to September 12th, 2021!

Unfortunately, the policy for COVID-19 prevention by the local Beijing government and Tsinghua University is becoming more strict and we have decided to convert the meeting to be fully virtual.

You are about to register for the Society for Magnetic Resonance Angiography's 33rd Annual International Conference

Tickets Available Cost (USD) Ticket Description
If you are an SMRA member or you would like to become a member this year, please purchase this ticket at the member discount rate.
SMRA Memberships are free this year with your registration. See the SMRA Membership page for the full list of benefits. 
If you do not wish to become a member of SMRA this year, but still want to attend the meeting, please purchase this ticket at full price.
Members from Low-Income Countries as per The World Bank classifications

If you would like to become a member of SMRA this year and the income level of the country in which you are currently living is listed as low income, please select this ticket.
To verify your country's classification, visit the Alphabetical Listing of Countries in the World Bank Category Listing Once you have selected your country, you will find the income level classification in the top right of the page.
Non-Members from Low-Income Countries as per The World Bank classifications

If you do not wish to become a member of SMRA this year, but still want to attend the meeting, and the income level of the country in which you are currently living is listed as low income, please select this ticket.

To verify your country's classification, visit the Alphabetical Listing of Countries in the World Bank Category Listing Once you have selected your country, you will find the income level classification in the top right of the page.

Some institutions block emails from Pheedloop. If your institution has a strict firewall, please use a personal email address for registration to ensure you receive all of the login information. 

IMPORTANT: If you are based in China, please use a VPN and change your IP to a non-Mainland China address (such as Singapore) when accessing Pheedloop.

Please contact smra.events@gmail.com if you require assistance

Please use Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari to access the virtual meeting platform. Microsoft Edge is NOT supported by Pheedloop. For optimal results, use Google Chrome.



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