CCDI UnConference 2021

  April 28, 2021 - May 12, 2021

Registration will close on April 23, 2021 at midnight ET.

Adopt the right attitude. Acquire critical skills. Gain knowledge.

This year, we are doing a deeper dive into the three facets of cultural competence.

Self-awareness – We examine the stages of cultural competence and leave you with tangible tools for your self-development and the cultural upskilling of your organization. Learn about the myth of meritocracy, coping strategies used by non-dominant group members and take a deep dive into the experiences of CCDI employer partners who have used the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) tool and its impact on their approach to cultural competence.

Awareness of others - How can we learn more about the people we work and interact with? We examine different cultural dimensions, cultural archetypes, how they impact groups and the navigational strategies to avoid cultural conflict while developing cultural intelligence and humility.

Art of Allyship - Learn more about the Art of Allyship from our panelists. Listen to them discuss how they demonstrate Allyship within their organizations, and how they actively plan to keep the Allyship momentum going.