2023 St. Croix Youth Summit

  April 20, 2023 - April 21, 2023

Co-Hosted by:

Welcome to the 2023 St. Croix Youth Summit! 

Our theme this year is Your Resilient Watershed - Nurturing a Changing World. We will focus on the effects of climate change in our watershed and how we can come together as a community to help! This year, students have the opportunity to learn about:
  • Local renewable energy efforts and their global effects.
  • Weaving indigenous science and culture with "western" academic sciences to create climate literacy.
  • The parallels between the lives of trees and humans.
  • Ways climate change affects the spread of invasive species and what conservationists are doing to help.
  • How to get involved with Climate Justice as a youth activist.
  • How native plants affect the world around them.
  • Native animals that live in our watershed.
  • And more!

April 21: Community Day Activities
The last day to sign up and recieve materials is Sunday, April 16th!

After participating in the Virtual St. Croix Youth Summit on Thursday, April 21st, we invite your school to join us in a community based project. We have 3 different ways to engage:

Project 1: Get your students involved in a tree planting project! We have access to native tree saplings that we can deliver to you. Get your class, school, or community involved!

Project 2: Create seed balls in your classroom with recycled paper and donated native seeds. You can spread them across your community or in your schoolyard!

Project 3: Combine forces with Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve’s research project Eyes on the Wild. All you need is a computer and the internet to have a direct hand in studies about  how predators structure ecological communities and ecosystems!

*Supplies for Community Day Projects can be picked up or delivered, situationally. 

This event is FREE to all students and teachers thanks to our sponsors!

Questions about program details, participation, and registration? Contact Katrina Schlicker, kschlicker@wildriversconservancy.org.