Assigned Tasks

Select Presentation Format
Due Aug 21, 2020
Select your presentation format (live or pre-corded) for each session you are speaking via the online form. (Note: Track moderators do not have to complete this form.)
Update Your Profile
Due Aug 28, 2020
Add your picture, bio, social networks, and other important info you want to share with attendees.
Upload Slides/Electronic Documentation (Optional, but Encouraged)
Due Sep 14, 2020
If you'd like to make an electronic copy of your slides or other supporting documentation available to attendees for download you can upload files at any time before, during, or after the conference via the Session Files tab. (Note: please be sure to uncheck the Private File default option during your upload to ensure attendees have access.)
Check Your Session(s) Description
Review the date, time, and session title in the Sessions tab. To review your full session description please visit the Session page of the conference website and search your session number. Please send any updates or changes to this information directly to Jane Dysart ( REMEMBER, ALL SESSION TIMES LISTED ARE IN THE EASTERN TIME ZONE!