5 Customer-Requested Upgrades to PheedLoop’s Registration System
October 26, 2023

You’ve asked, and we’ve listened. At PheedLoop, we pride ourselves on being a platform built on feedback, and we are always striving to enhance the end attendee experience. We value the voices of our customers, and when they speak, we take action. Over time, many customers have reached out to us with suggestions, features they wished for, and improvements they desired in our registration system. We've taken these requests to heart and are thrilled to share with you five key upgrades that will not only meet your needs but also exceed your expectations.

In this post, we'll delve into these enhancements, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of each feature and its use cases. So, let's get started!

1. Protected Links for Registration Categories

As an event planner, you now have the power to not only provide Protected Ticket Links but also Protected Category Links to your potential registrants. This fantastic feature allows you to restrict access to specific Registration Categories, ensuring that only the intended group can view and register for those categories.

Use Case

Imagine you're organizing a multi-track conference with various attendee categories like VIP, General Admission, and Speakers. With Protected Category Links, you can send out unique registration links to each group, guaranteeing that only the intended audience registers for their respective category. This feature builds an additional layer of security and ensures a seamless registration process for your diverse event.

2. Enforce Unique Purchases on a Per Ticket Level

We've heard your requests, and we've taken our existing "Enforce Unique Emails" feature to the next level. Now, you can enforce uniqueness on a per-ticket basis. This means you can prevent an individual from purchasing a certain ticket if they've already registered for the event with another ticket.

Use Case

Consider a scenario where an attendee initially registers for your event and buys multiple tickets for their colleagues and friends as part of a group registration. With this enhancement, you can ensure that the same attendee doesn't buy additional tickets for themselves, thereby avoiding any unintentional duplicates. It's a powerful tool to maintain control and provide a smooth registration experience.

3. Granular Control over Registration Address Fields

PheedLoop’s registration system already boasts a comprehensive set of registration fields, including City, Country, Phone Number, and more. However, until now, it was an all-or-nothing approach—you had to request all fields to use this feature. But not anymore! We've introduced granular control, giving you the ability to specify which fields you want to include in your registration forms.

Use Case: Let's say you're organizing an event that primarily caters to a global audience, but you only need to collect data on their Country and State. With this upgrade, you can streamline the registration process by asking for only the information that's relevant to your event. This not only enhances the user experience but also reduces the time and effort required to complete the registration form.

4. Domain Whitelist on a Per Ticket Level

PheedLoop’s Domain Whitelist feature is already a powerful tool that enables you to restrict registration purchases based on a list of accepted email addresses and domains. Now, we've taken this feature to the next level by introducing domain whitelisting on a per-ticket basis. This means you can control individual ticket purchases based on a list of accepted email addresses and domains.

Use Case

Imagine you're organizing an event with exclusive membership-only tickets or corporate-sponsored tickets. With per-ticket domain whitelisting, you can ensure that only a select group of individuals or companies can purchase these specific tickets. This feature is perfect for maintaining a degree of exclusivity while simplifying the registration process.

5. Customize the Call to Action Button Text

In today's global landscape, personalization is key. We understand that event planners often have unique needs for their email communications. To cater to those needs, we've introduced the ability to customize the Call to Action (CTA) Button Text in our automated email templates. This feature empowers you to add personalized and bilingual text to your email CTAs, allowing you to create a more tailored experience for your attendees.

Use Case

Suppose you're sending out registration confirmation emails to attendees. With this enhancement, you can customize the CTA button text, directing your attendees in the language and style that best resonates with them. It adds a personal touch to your event communications and ensures that your attendees have a more engaging and inclusive experience.

Wrap Up

At PheedLoop, we are committed to providing innovative solutions to meet your event planning needs. These five customer-requested upgrades to our Registration System are a testament to our dedication to enhancing your event management experience. We are continuously working to improve and adapt our platform to align with the evolving demands of the events industry.

We hope that these upgrades will not only simplify your event planning but also contribute to a more enjoyable and streamlined experience for your attendees. Our mission is to empower event planners like you to create exceptional events, and we believe that these enhancements are a significant step in that direction.

Stay tuned for more updates, as we continue to work closely with our customers to bring new and exciting features to PheedLoop. Your feedback and suggestions are invaluable to us, and we look forward to serving you better with each enhancement.

If you have any questions or would like to explore these new features in greater detail, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We're here to help you make your events a resounding success. Thank you for choosing PheedLoop as your event management platform, and we can't wait to see the incredible events you create with these new tools at your disposal!

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