Interactive Booth Selection For Your Exhibitors
January 9, 2023

Event managers are constantly dealing with changing floor plans, demanding exhibitors, and battling manual workflows for exhibitor management. PheedLoop users already benefit from task, payment and portal automation for their exhibitors and now we’re adding Interaction Booth Selection to this growing list!

Exhibitors can zoom in and select their booth right from the floor plan.
  • Real-time floor plan updates allow exhibitors to self-select their favorite booth locations without pestering you.
  • Automatically associate revenue-boosting sponsorship packages, booth upgrades, lead generation (and more!) to booths to make checkout easy.
  • Upload interactive floor plans (or get us to design them for you) right from your dashboard.

Stay tuned for more updates in 2020 for more floor plan design tools, lead retrieval upgrades and much more for your exhibitors!

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