PheedLoop’s Free Tier Launches Today, Unlimited Free Events!
January 9, 2023

We're full of pride, excitement, and anticipation today, here at PheedLoop, because we’ve been working towards this for a very long time. One of the foundational pillars of our mission to make events accessible has forever been to reduce the cost barrier to powerful event technology like PheedLoop. Today, we've taken a major step further in that direction.

Many years ago, PheedLoop started out as a dime-a-dozen mobile event app company. We quickly realized that the events industry was plagued by vendors selling event technology, and not actually building it. From selling a patchwork of archaic technology built via mergers and acquisitions leading to clunky solutions marketed as all-in-one platforms, to charging an arm and a leg and locking customers into suffocating multi-year contracts. It was just terrible and sadly hasn't changed much even in a post-pandemic world, but it became an opportunity for us to build something better.

So we decided to go much further and build an independent, product focused, transparent, company. Not dragged down by millions of dollars in venture capital investment, and focused 100% on our customers and their events.

We spent the last many years building what PheedLoop is today: a true ecosystem of event technology owned, built, and maintained by our dedicated team entirely here at home in Toronto, sold at transparent, low, pay-as-you-go prices. From our OnSight systems for badges, check-in, and lead capture, to mobile event apps, streaming, registration, abstracts, websites, stakeholder portals, video meetings, games, and far more.

A long held dream was to announce the option for PheedLoop customers (no matter how small) to run free events on the platform, and eventually non-customers too. We’re proud to announce that, today, we’ve made this possible with the official launch of PheedLoop’s unlimited free event tier 🥳

What is the Free Tier?

The great thing about the free event tier is that you don't need to do anything to benefit from it, it's already live and ready to go for all accounts. You can now run unlimited events for up to 100 users (per event) for free, short of any per event additions or on-site materials (e.g. badges and lanyards). More specifically, you can use all of PheedLoop’s core and experience modules for events under 100 users entirely for free. This includes everything from event registration/ticket sales, stakeholder portals, virtual events, video meetings, mobile event app, call for abstracts, websites, exhibit hall, sponsorships, badge sheets, and beyond at zero additional cost.

What’s the Catch?

There’s no catch, we genuinely are offering all those features for free! A lot of people who already know about this launch including those who attended our last user conference seem skeptical, but as you know, we’re straight-shooters. It’s important to note that you must have an account in good standing, no matter how small it is, and that you don’t abuse the free tier. We recommend exploring our knowledge base here for some more information around what reasonable use constitutes.

Small Events Matter

Given how powerful PheedLoop is, it has understandably become associated with larger events. In fact, our pricing starts at 100 users, so we used to suggest that events with anything less may find another solution to be a better fit. Not anymore! The free tier unlocks the ability for you to freely use PheedLoop to power all your smaller events from workshops and meetings, to parties and town halls. In-person, virtually, or hybrid, it's entirely up to you! This helps you put all your events in one place and streamline the way you work, because a constant challenge in the events industry is that powerful event technology solutions like PheedLoop are simply incompatible with smaller events. You can even use this to test core modules out before choosing to purchase them. Simply put, the free event tier is a game changer!

Communities Powered by Events

If you’ve been following PheedLoop for any amount of time in the last few months, you’ve likely heard us  talk about community and member management. We’re actually building an entire system within PheedLoop focused on community engagement and member management, from internal social networks to subscription management! For many of you, running events constantly is a critical mechanism to drive more engagement year-round.

You traditionally used PheedLoop to run one or two flagship (typically larger) events, and the rest you ran in budget-friendly or unsophisticated ways. Thanks to the free event tier, you can now bring everything together without raising costs, helping you consolidate your efforts, data, brand, and most importantly, attendee/community experience.

If you’re thinking this is PheedLoop’s biggest announcement for the next long while, you’ll be glad to know that you’re mistaken! This is just the beginning, and we intend on doing a lot more for the awesome event planners we work with to keep adding more value and lowering costs. Let us know if you have any questions, any time. We can’t wait to see what you create with PheedLoop!

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